Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chicago Shooting Wave: CNN News

Over the weekend I noticed WGN news, which reports local Chicago news throughout the country, had a story on a deadly weekend in Chicago; this comes as little surprise to me. The ironic thing is that the policy makers in Cook County are responsible for all of it.
When I lived in Logan Square on the NW side, there were gangbangers all over the blocks around there just walking around. I know, for a fact, that they had guns on them. Chicago's unconstitutional gun control laws make it illegal to own and carry a gun; furthermore, their push in the State Capital of Illinois makes the rest of the state strict on carrying weapons. Basically all of the gangsters can have guns and you can't because you follow the rules! I try to be as formal as I can with my blog, but what a bunch of mobster backstabbers those policy makers are! I want them to go down to the neighborhoods of the South side of Chicago, live their with their families and see what happens. This is the mentality of Cook County, Illinois: punish law abiding citizens and exploit them through taxes. This is why I can never live in that County again. This is why my father said, "I will never live there again" about Chicago as well as "No Cook County" when my mother asked him if they should move. I try to not get personally upset about this, but imagine your family getting rape and pillaged by all the gangs in that city. That county and city has no future.


Anonymous said...


There we go again. "Tighter gun legislation." What a twat. How do you go tighter than the tightest? After Heller comes down we'll be worse than DC, until the Chicago laws are invalidated on that precedent. And the violence will persist. What a bunch of morons.

J. R. said...

There are so many animals in that city, thats why I don't live there. They fight idiots with more idiots, why the hell would anyone want to be a part of that city.